Sunday 16 February 2014

Current Distractions

Still working on my Feb commitment for the HPC but have been side-tracked a little bit as other projects come to my attention.

I have a lot of stuff to paint and, as always, my preference is hugely for building over painting... one of my rules is to have everything at least built and primed. I thought I'd share a picture of my Kanban board to give an idea of how many things are outstanding:

As you can see, most of my stuff is primed... that column goes on for a while. Yellow items are part of the 2014 HPC and red things are being actively worked on as 'side-projects'. I'm confident that I can easily complete the HPC commitments as long as they're 10 or 12 models a month, so I plan to get a lot of other stuff progressed 'on the side'. I'll be priority-targeting those units that are in my Overlords Escalation League army list. This will mean that I rarely get my HPC commitments finished super-early, as a lot of people seem to be doing, but I'll be getting a lot of other stuff worked on in the background.

By way of example, these are the things I've been working on in February:

I bought the one on the left at last years Forge World open day... figured I better get it built before this years...
This was my Christmas project and has been painted for a while but I added decals and varnished it this month. 100% finished now!
Going to move the Tauros into the Primed column today since the weather is favourable. After that, I'll be finishing up the decals and the last few fine-details on my first Vendetta so that she can move into the Finished column - that will be a proud moment! God, I hate working with those Forge World wing decals... the remainder of my flyers will have much less detailed wings!

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