Monday 11 November 2013

November Update

Since it would appear that the Chaos gods have something other than painting in mind for me tonight (a broken dishwasher is surely the work of Tzeentch)... I thought I'd post a quick update.

I've gotten one LRBT turret pretty much finished, with some very basic weathering:

Not sure how well the effects show in those pictures but basically I added soot around the gun barrel, 'distressed' the larger decals a bit and sponged some metallics around the sharp edges and protrusions like handles etc. I've yet to do much with the powders - looks like I'm just going to paint everything to this stage and play around with more advanced techniques some day in the future. My goal here is to get a painted army, need to focus on that. It wasn't a total waste of time but really the main thing I've learned is that it's a whole other exercise learning to do this properly.

Also got the flyer base pretty much done, apart from grass:

Apparently I suck at painting concrete.
The crew are also taking shape - I'll do a few more details on them but they're essentially done (the pilots will be almost invisible anyway so not spending too much time on them...):

And the colour white.
I thought my pilots should have brightly coloured helmets, like in Top Gun... I might add some decals as I think that's actually the effect I had in my head :/

I really like the Pig Iron heads on the gunners. There was a time when the whole army would have been these heads on normal GW Cadian bodies... then I discovered Forge World and my fate was sealed... curse you Elysians!

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