Sunday 27 October 2013

October Commitment Finished

Today I finally managed to get the last two things that I needed to finish off the squad: stable weather for spraying varnish and PVA glue for basing!

Final results below:

1st Squad, 7th Platoon taking aim!
In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only pointing.
All of my officers and veterans use Maxmini head swaps, so expect to see many more.
Some standard troopers on the firing line.
For November I'll be trying to get through either a vendetta gunship (roughly half painted already) or a few characters that I doubt will ever see much use on the field (Commissar, Priest etc.). I haven't decided which yet. I've been making slow progress on my 'teach myself weathering techniques' side-project this month and I'd like to get it finished before I tackle any other vehicles. So, finishing that little project will be first priority - once that's done I'll see what I have time left for in November!


  1. "In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only pointing."

    It worked well enough for the Emperor!... although he did have the whole "most powerful psyker" thing to add a bit of weight to his pointing.

    How did you do their visors? They look shiny in the right way rather than just a bit of gold paint way.

    1. The visors were based with 'Waaagh Flesh' (dark green), with a layer of 'Moot Green' (very bright green) and then the 'shine' highlights were added with 'Hellion Green' (which is the dry green). It's finished with a thin coat of 'Biel-Tan Green' (the green wash) to bring it all together. Yeah, I'm much happier with this than the gold I used on the Sentinel pilots, so I'll be re-doing them at some point - it just didn't work :)
