Saturday, 22 June 2013

Okay! So that didn't go according to plan at all...

Instead of my original idea I appear to have been forced to leave all of my 40k stuff behind during the move to the UK. This does not bode well for hobby progress or wargaming in general... However, we've decided to focus on board games for a little while (at least until I can get some of my gear shipped/brought over to London). Also, if the rumours about Apocalypse 2.0 coming out in July prove true, there will surely be a super-heavy kit or terrain piece to pick up which should give me something to work on until the rest of the troops arrive in August/September.

In the meantime I'm just going to throw together some quick reviews/opinion pieces on the various board games that we try out!

Today, I made my way to the Orcs Nest (which even from our brief visit I would highly recommend) with the aim of grabbing Pandemic and King of Tokyo. I failed on both counts as neither will apparently be available until July... *but* instead, came away with Star Fluxx, Carcassonne and Death Angel (Space Hulk). I'm hoping the last one will satisfy my 40k urges for the moment. We chose Carcassonne because it's pretty highly rated and supposedly 'best' with 2 players, the other two were somewhat random selections. I'll share my thought son each of these once we've had a chance to sit down and play.